
ProCTTH features video call visits (televisits) connecting investigator to patient remotely for counselling or to treat or consultation by HIPAA compliant smartphone application.

Telemedicine-enabled clinical trials overcome geographic barriers to trial participation.

Losing a clinical trial patient means a loss of important clinical data. Once any clinical trial subject drop out of the study, the data collected from he/she is of no use. In most instances, this results in delays to the study and wasted time, money and resources. Ultimately, the more patients that drop out of a study, the greater the risk that the data collected will be insufficient, and lack the required integrity.

ProCTTH features video call visits (televisits) connecting investigator to patient remotely for counselling or to treat or consultation by HIPAA compliant smartphone application. The primary objective of ProCTTH is to make study visits more feasible by telemedicine-enabled study visits. ProCTTH can be used for other objectives as well like to define safety, efficacy activity, quality of life, and patient satisfaction.

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Our team would be happy to get connected and have a conversation about how ProCTTH can help your study.